Thursday, January 17, 2013


This is one of my favorite projects of late.  It's a horror short that focuses on how technology is isolating us, and the potential consequences that come as a result.

I wrote this late one night after ignoring a friend's phone call.  When it hit me that I just wasn't in the mood to talk, I texted them, "What's up?", to which they replied, "Dude, just answer the phone!"  And a story was born.

We shot this film over two nights in Los Angeles with one actor (the lovely and talented Emily Sandifer) and it really came out beautifully.  Directed by Nicholas Acosta, shot by Matt Turve and co-produced with Adam C. Sherer, it's just an atmospheric beauty.

Check out the trailer by clicking the first link, and the film by clicking the second.  Enjoy!

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